Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What do Christians think about surrogate mothers?

Depends on the Christian. The leader of the prayer team at my old church asked me to be a surrogate mother for her, and after praying about it I knew it wasn't what God wanted for me. I was right, he had other plans. A while later I met the man who would be my husband and ended up going in a totally different direction altogether. But that doesn't mean it's wrong, just that God had other plans for me. The prayer leader did eventually get the baby girl she'd always wanted. She adopted.What do Christians think about surrogate mothers?
If Abraham and Sarah did it, it is OK with me.
As was just said "nothing new under the sun" It's a great gift for someone to give..a child.What do Christians think about surrogate mothers?
As a Christian, I have nothing against it. I think a person willing to be a surrogate mother is wonderful. She is carrying another couple's child in her body for nine months. It's a selfless act.
Personally, I think that they are amazingly selfless for giving up their own bodies in an effort to help another family expirience the blessing of a child. Morally, I don't see anything wrong with it.
lundstroms2004, If you knew your bible, Sarah didn't have faith in what she was told, so she went and had her servant Hagar sleep with Abraham to produce and heir, then she got pregnant and sent Hagar and her son away. Not really a surrogate story. The only true story of a surrogate in your bible is Mary.
Babies are a gift from God. Now you can't take a gift meant for you and give it to someone else. It would hurt the feelings of the one who gave it to you. I think people who treat babies like they can be traded or swapped, are not honoring God. There may be a reason for your not having a child. God gives babies,,,,it should remain that way. If he gives you one, then be happy,,if he doesn't, then adopt a baby who needs you.
Catholic view is if your equipment doesn't work, it's not meant to happen. They frown on surrogacy and artificial means of conception, but they promote adoption.
I think it's wonderful that a woman would do that for someone else. That is true Christ-like love. I have some friends that can't have kids on their own, and the thought that someone would do that for them, so they could have children, would be the best news in the world.

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