Friday, February 24, 2012

Is there a charity to support surrogate mothers?

I'm just curious as a friend of mine wanted to be a surrogate mother (because her sister was infertile and it inspired her as her sis had told her about having a surrogate mother meant you shared a connection with the baby and got to be part of the birthing and that it brought fufillment to the surrogate mother as well)

I was just curious if there were any charities that support people who make this decision as surrogate mothers are unable to be part of a job in late pregnancy and hospital bills need to be paid for, but also to help people who want a child but a financial situation prevents them, is there a charity which helps with this?Is there a charity to support surrogate mothers?
I would doubt it, as it generally wouldn't be necessary. In a surrogacy contract, it is agreed that the contractual couple is to pay for ALL the expenses related to the pregnancy and childbirth, including medical expenses, maternity clothes, and time off work, just as they would if they were having a child on their own. This is in addition to the money they contract to pay her for her time and trouble. Back when commercial surrogacy was a relatively new concept in this country, I think the standard pay for surrogates was about $10,000 plus all expenses paid. I'm not sure what the typical dollar amount is now, but surrogates are not out of pocket anything, they actually make money off it, that's the whole concept behind commercial surrogacy. A couple is paying her for the use of her body for nine months and they pay the expenses related to that as well. It's very nice of your friend to take interest in helping someone like that. She should contact a local infertility center for information, they should be able to set her up with resources for becoming a surrogate.

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