Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Surrogate mothers (bio class)?

What are 2-3 reasons why a woman and/or couple would use the services of a surrogate mother?Surrogate mothers (bio class)?
1)The woman may have a hormonal problem that interferes with her being able to carry a pregnancy to term, such as an inability to produce enough progesterone.

2) She may have had to have an early hysterectomy or may have an "inhospitable uterus" because of cancer, trauma, or large fibroids.

3) She may have other medical issues which make carrying a pregnancy to term a life threatening condition - such as serious cardiac disease, a history of liver or heart transplant, or blood clotting problem like severe hemophilia.

The woman may still be able to produce her own eggs and may only need a surrogate for the pregnancy part. Or she may also have an issue with producing eggs - so then she would need an egg donor as well as a surrogate.Surrogate mothers (bio class)?
The woman is unable to carry a child to term due to weak cervix/uterus.

The woman is too old to bear children.

The couple has reproductive problems.

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