They should be able to see the baby but realize that it is not theirs anymore. They have been kind enough to carry and care for the baby for 9 months but then it is over. They family who has so long waited for this baby takes them home. It is a hard situation, I would think most women would already feel a bond and then not be able to take the baby home would be hard. Surrogate mothers have hearts of gold.Should surrogate mothers have a right to see the child after it's born?
Sadly no. :/Should surrogate mothers have a right to see the child after it's born?
Actually, they do have that right. The law allows them to because they are the legal mother of the child until after the adoption is completed. After that, though, it's not her child.
My BIL's DIL was a surrogate. She said that most surrogates see the baby before they leave the hospital.
Morally, the surrogate should have the option to see the baby. She incubated that baby all that time and should see the result if she so chooses.
Yes. They carried that baby and birthed it. But they should not be able to change their minds about giving the baby to the loving family that spent their time, money and emotional life waiting for that baby.
No....they contract to perform a service tat does not offer rights...wants the service is performed the deal is over.
(some people may wish to Grant the priviledge, but that is optional)
no but it's up to the perents to allow or deny
I cant belive how cold hearted some people seem. Imagine carrying this child inside you for all that time, seeing ultrasound pictures and everything, but never once getting the chance to see, hold or even say "good bye" to that baby. Even if the baby may not be geneticly theirs, in a way that baby is theirs in the sence of it wouldnt exsist without them carrying it and protecting it as it grew. I feel that unless the surrogate mother says they dont want to see the child after its born the least you could do to thank the woman for carrying your child into the world is to allow them to see the baby for a few minutes.
I would think anyone that was grateful to the surrogate mother would atleast give her the option to see the child. It would be rather rude and unappreciative not to.
No because the whole point of being a surrogate is to plan on giving the baby that is not yours up to a couple. But laws have not changed really so the mother is defined as whoever gives BIRTH to the baby. So if the surrogate doesnt want to give the baby up they have a good case to fight for custody. But dont be a surrogate unless you understand it isnt your baby.
I believe they should. If you are wanting to be a surrogate mother set your boundaries with the couples up front tell them if you want to be a part of the babys life and how. If they don't like it they may choose another but there is always someone else who want a baby also. If it was me in the situation, I would look at my baby's surrogate mother as the most beautiful angel. She would have to be a part of my life and my childs no matter what. Without the surrogate mother there may not have been a baby. If it was me my surrogate would be my child's godmother. That way my child would be taken care of if something were to happen to me and the husband. It is so hard to find someone who is willing to go through all the changes in her body to have a baby not to mention the pain and attachment, I believe that you should choose a surrogate mother that you are in love with yourself. I have a close friend who just went through this. Her surrogate mother is the nanny, the baby is only 2 they still haven't decided if they are going to allow her to ever know the truth but the surrogate will always be the nanny.
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