i am a gestational surrogate mother, and we do get paid. but depending on alot of things, it is different for each surrogate on how much you get paid. there are 2 different types of a surrogate mother. you have your traditional surrogate mother and you have your gestational surrogate mother. depending on which one you are refering to on how to do the procedure, it depends on what kind of surogate mother you are refering too, because there are two different ways to do it..
My Fiance was compensated $103,000.00. Heres the web address for the company she went through.
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Do surrogate mothers get paid?You usually do it through an agency with contracts and things ensuring that the baby ends up with the family paying as well as having to pay an Initial Consultation and Application for 350$, First Part of Agency Fee-$7500, Second part of agency fee-$2500, Third part of Agnecy Fee- $5000, and other costs to consider like Carrier fees(the money the surrogate mother gets),Medical costs not covered by health insurance,attorney fees
they generally get paid very well along with health care, but also have to give up a lot. They have to eat right no exceptions. Its like having a 24 hour job for 9 months and being sore for a month after. Plus it will change your body greatly. If this is something you are willing to do then it is a great thing to do for someone who cannot have children. Just make sure you understand the sacrifices first.
yes they do .. i think the surrogate mother and the woman wanting the baby come to an arrangement .. and when they both accept the pregnancy happens. I know as much to say that all the expenses of being pregnant get paid for .. for example taxi's to hospital appointments etc.
Yes they get paid. They usually have all their medical bills and anything specifically related to the pregnancy paid for and then cash on top of that. It varies depending on the situation and agreement.
You'd have to look at surrogacy centers in the area, but I've seen pay ranging from $25,000 - $100,000 for surrogacies.
Ya I think they get paid around 40,000 to 50,000$ maby more.
Im not exacly sure.
i dnt think your allowed to pay surrogate mothers in the us
Hell yes......................surrogate mothers are paid hundreds of thousands.
There was one in our neighborhood who was paid 300,000.
i heard they do. dont know how much exactly but i heard alot. like thousands. but im not sure.
i think they do get paid.
not sure how much
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