Tuesday, March 6, 2012

People who want to use surrogate mothers?

I woke up listening to some gossip fueled by a debate in one of the BBC radio channels. The topic was infertile parents, and how alot of them are now intent to go across the globe to harvest babies unnoticed. Apparently (a little over the top I know) every 48 hours in India a non-indian baby is born. Now india is being a popular area for surrogating as you don't have to involve lawyers, contracts or even expensive hospital bills for it all.

This not only puts in the question in the complete disregard to all the other children that need parents, but also the pretty grossness of implanting other women for simply coinage and taking advantage of them and their ignorance for being able to be done illegally (at least in our western standards). Yes, there are always loopholes, but doesn't anyone find this shameful?

I know that some people feel better having their own biological kidlings, but isn't it more gratifying by simply adopting?? Yes, you can say that it's good for the surrogate mom since it involves money (though this argument can even be used to justify prostitution or childlabour), but let's face it, would a villager from India know their actual price for their services and not be taken advantaged of? I'll bet they never get paid as much as anyone in the West do for the service.

Plus, you have likelihood of disease and injuries involving the child, and what would you do finding this out? A surrogate mom could probably have a disease like Syphilis which she wasn't aware of; maybe be exposed to heavy metals in her living area, etc. etc.

Ramblings aside, I'm wondering if anyone sees that this is pretty wrong.People who want to use surrogate mothers?
It is hugely important for many people to make sure that their genes are passed down to their children. It is as much an basic evolutionary instinct as survival -- while you will die sooner or later, your children will carry on your genes. Which is the reason why adopted children are abused a lot more than biological ones.

Surrogate mothers are paid very well, I bet they feed their entire village with that money. Surrogate mothers are provided with adequate food and housing for the duration of the contract. Not to mention that they receive the highest quality of medical care that the money can buy.

The difference in pay between West and developing countries is inevitable, and stems from differences in costs of living and alternative employment options.

Finally, there is no "actual price" for the services of surrogate mother. It is supply and demand like any other transaction. Village women have very good idea of what pregnancy means, and since they freely accept the offered price, it must be that it is worth it for them.

I can see how it could be gross and humiliating, but apparently village women find it less gross and humiliating than begging for food, eating bark off the trees or prostituting themselves.
That is pretty bad.

I saw a documentary on tv once about surrogate mothers and something really struck me. The women involved - and I am referring to the surrogate mothers AND the "biological" mothers were really horrible people.People who want to use surrogate mothers?
I know I could probably have a somebody's child for them as long as I don't have to undergo any psychological assessment. If I do, they can kiss my ***. That's my only condition.
I completely agree w/ you as I have seen this first hand and I think the people teat do it are just as disgraceful as those that ask due to the fact they are basically doing it out of greed...Same as prostitution...
If the parents have the money to pay the surrogate I would think they would have medical test done to see if she in fact is a healthy woman, after they are spending lots of money to make sure they are guaranteed genetic children. Adoption involves big bucks as well and legal fees so if they are going to spend the money I guess they may as well have their children carry their genes.

Surrogate mothers are nothing more than owning your own business today. Some women make a career out of it. I think they all make big money no matter which country they come from.
If it weren't such an arduous process here, they wouldn't "outsource" the surrogates.

There's one couple i know who used a surrogate here in Canada, they had three failed tries and spent 8 years before they finally ended up with their baby.

The woman had a health issue that left her unable to carry a pregnancy, they wanted another baby.

There's an awful lot of red tape, and an awful lot of greedy people here who are using it just to get a percentage of the money and then end up using their own loopholes to get out of it.

Could just be a Canadian problem, but I doubt it.

In the end, they're obviously grateful for the opportunity to have their child in the end from it, and the last surrogate was a stellar woman. But they went through hell and back for it.
I don't see what's so wrong with it...

As for the villager in India - the lower cost is probably a fortune where she comes from, it's all relative. And do you even know how much these people are paid? Have you compared? They could be paid almost the same amount or even more for all we know because there's fewer obstacles.

Most people probably make sure everything is OK and aren't as careless as everyone here assumes. Sure there are some bad apples and careless, selfish parents, but that's a reality for almost any situation.

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